Trey Bailey Trey Bailey

Primary Recap, The Trump Mess, and Political Binaries - Episode 4

Gabriel Stovall and Trey Bailey give a quick recap to the local primary and give some strategic advice on how to make your vote count in the runoff on Tuesday, June 18.

They continue their discussion about political binaries and how destructive that mentality can be for our nation and our local community of Newton County, GA.

And of course, the Donald Trump verdicts have them going back and forth about potentially electing a felon as President and how unprecedented this whole "mess" has become.

The challenge remains for Newton citizens to get to the polls and decide who will lead District 3 as the County Commissioner (Alana Sanders or Stephanie Lindsey) and who will lead the Newton County Tax Commissioners office (Brent Bennett or Avis Williams).

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Trey Bailey Trey Bailey

May Matters, Local Politics & Mud-slinging - Episode 3

Recently some mailers were sent to voters in the community. These mailers were slick and rode the fine line of slander. They were obviously hit pieces meant to mislead and manipulate voters. Not a fan!

Gabriel and Trey discuss dirty politics and offer some better solutions. One great solution and resource is Candidates on the Clock sponsored by the Newton County Chamber of Commerce. This neutral website has interviews from all the local candidates, including their answers to the questions we are all asking in the community.

They also get into the details of why #MayMatters this year. Many of the local races will be determined in the primary on Tuesday May 21, 2024 and NOT in November. Gabriel and Trey implore citizens to get out and vote. Make your vote count and make a difference in your district and county.

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Trey Bailey Trey Bailey

Local Politics, It Just Means More - Episode 2

Gabriel and Trey discuss a range of topics centered around local politics. They look at the difference between national vs local politics and make the argument that local governance matters more and impacts our communities more.

They challenge us to get out and vote in the upcoming primary on May 21, or begin voting early on April 29. #MayMatters

To see a sample ballot and to find out what local district you reside in, check out the My Voter Page.

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Trey Bailey Trey Bailey

Introduction & Reviving Dialogue - Episode 1

Why do people rush to the extreme ends of the spectrum when it comes to politics, philosophy, religion? What happened to honest dialogue with one another where we listen to the other person’s point of view and then work to meet in the messy middle? Why do we instead stick our fingers in our ears and run away like a toddler?

After Gabriel and Trey introduce themselves, they begin discussing HOW we can have these discussions about controversial topics without demonizing the other person’s views, or even demonizing the other person altogether. They look for ways to make the viewpoints human, to have empathy, and then meet in the middle…not in an effort to create uniformity, rather in an effort to create unity.

Welcome to The Town Square Podcast.

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